Time on flight.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007 @ 10/31/2007 12:28:00 am
I was sitting at the living room, working on my assignment with the TV on, then all of sudden I heard an advertisement about the Malaysia Carnival Sale. Then I was thinking, ’wow, they’re gonna come out with a sale to attract more people to their country again?’
No I was wrong, its an advertisement about the year-end carnival sale just like how Singapore normally has his. Then only I realize, my god, the year is about to come to an end! It feels as if the Great Singapore Sale during the mid year just passed.
I remember visiting NBA.com and the countdown to tip-off clock they have on their site. My last memory of the days left till the countdown was over 60 days and now, the first game of the new NBA season is already in progress!
Its amazing how time flies. Back in year 2005 when I enlisted into the army, I was wondering when the hell year 2007 will come cause 2007 is the year I will ORD and now, I’m already 7 months past my ORD date, approaching my 8th!
Also amazing how I feel like I’m still a fresh student in my course of Psychology, but I’m already approaching the end of the 2nd term of a 3-term year!
Well, as time flies, it means I’m aging as well and talking about age, I kinda feel like an old man right now. Last night I went down and played a few pickup games and came back with a sore and blistered ankle. Woke up the next morning with slight ache in my arms, and as the day passes, my whole body seems to be aching everywhere. Now I got muscle aches at my arms, my shoulders, chest, thighs and groin area! How to play bball tomorrow liddat?! What has happened to me? EVERYWHERE ACHING!