Wednesday, 24 October 2007 @ 10/24/2007 11:35:00 pm
3 projects and 2 more assignments to go.
One of the assignments is supposedly due today but I got a 1 week extension for this assignment cause I did it all wrong! Now I only got one week to re-do the whole assignment that was meant to be completed in 3 weeks!
Anyway, here’s just a little update. Next match for my team at the Inter-Constituency Basketball games is this Saturday, 5:25 pm at the Singapore Basketball Center. Hope my ankle can hold up :) Something that I can look up to and probably something that’s out of work and studies for this week.
I’m kinda having mixed feelings now. The other assignment and all projects will be due on the 23rd of November. I can’t wait for that day to come and I’m hoping that day never comes. Because there’s still a lot to do I’m afraid I may not be able to finish them in time.
Good thing I haven’t been able to sleep much recently. Its really helping a lot.
Oh, anyone got any good remedies for sore throat? Damn, I really needa get it healed. Its rather important for a good performance. Heh.